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What To Expect From Your African Grey In The First Few Days

Are you a proud owner of an African Grey parrot? Congratulations! You have around 30 to 40 years or so of wonderful times with your intelligent pet! However, the wonderful 40 years to come won’t be wonderful at all, if you and your parrot start on the wrong foot from the very beginning.So, what are the things you should expect in the first few days of having your pet inside the house? First, expect your parrot to be cautious around you. This is natural. All African Grey parrots have the tendency to be wary of strangers. When you take one home for the first time, you are a complete stranger...

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Vet Instructions When You Get A New Puppy/Kitten

Vaccinations:Puppy: 6 weeks, 9 weeks, 12 weeks (then annually)Kitten: 9 weeks, 12 weeks (then annually)Dogs and Cats should be vaccinated against Rabies at 12 weeks and then annually according to the State Vet.REMEMBER THERE IS NO CURE FOR RABIES. RABIES KILLS HUMANS AND ANIMALS. IF THERE IS AN OUTBREAK AND YOU CAN NOT PROVE YOUR ANIMAL HAD VACCINATIONS, THE STATE VET MAY EUTHANISE YOUR ANIMAL ON THE SPOT.De-worming:Every 3-4 weeks until 6 months of age, then every 3-4 months as an adult.Treatment according to age and weight of pup/kitten.If your pet has worms (you may not always see it in...

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The First Few Hamster Days

This content will give you a step by step guide on bringing your new hamster home.Step 1:The first thing to do is take two or three handfuls of your hamster’s old litter into the hamster’s new cage. Now fill up the food bowl and the water bowl.Step 2:Carefully place the hamster into its new home. If you were given a cardboard box, put the hamster (still inside the box) in the cage. Now carefully open the lid of the box so that the hamster can come out on its own.Step 3:Now comes the time when you must be very patient. Please do not go and pick up the hamster straight away, this will cause...

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How To Transport Your New Snake Home

Now that you have picked out a nice healthy snake, the fun part starts: bringing your new pet home. But wait… Have you set up its enclosure or cage properly? Before you even consider bringing home a ball python, you need to make sure that your cage is set up and ready for its new inhabitant. Having the cage set up before your python comes home speeds up the acclimation process.Once you have made your purchase, take some time to inspect the bag or container that the ball python has been placed in. Make sure that it is secure, so that the snake will not escape on the way home. Ball pythons...

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How To Get Your Cockatiel Familiar With You When You First Get Him Home

Cockatiels are highly social birds who enjoy interaction with humans. How you interact with your cockatiel in the first few days after bringing him home will directly impact the type of bond you will share with your new feathered friend. Earning your Cockatiels trust is crucial to the bonding process and can help to establish a positive and rewarding relationship.Items you will needTreatsStep 1Give your feathered friend some time to adjust. While you may be eager to play with your cockatiel right away, he would benefit from some alone time in which to explore his surroundings and get...

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Coming HomeHere are a few tips to make everything runs swiftly when you bring your new baby home:Change can be very stressful to some hedgehogs, so it’s best to give your new friend a day or two to adjust to his/her new home. Provide them with an old sweatshirt or tee shirt with your scent, so they learn to associate your scent with safety. Try feeding the same food the breeder was feeding your hedgie, to prevent further stress from an upset stomach. When you are ready to take your hedgehog out for the first time, simply scoop him/her up and place them in your lap. Your hedgehog may be...

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Excerpt From Chapter 6 Of Cesar Millan’s Short Guide To A Happy Dog

Cesar walks us through the process of bringing a new dog or puppy home for the first time.Homeward Bound: Meeting Your Human PackYou’ve located the perfect dog with the right energy for your family and lifestyle. You’ve researched the breed, decided you can handle any special needs, and have everyone in the household ready to take on the role of Pack Leader. You go through the adoption process, including microchipping and spaying or neutering, and today is the big day — time to bring home your new dog.This is the point in the process when many people make the biggest mistake, frequently out...

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Bringing Your New Canary Home

You’ve made your decision. A Canary will be moving into your home. How exciting! Before you bring your new pet home, you have to make preparations. Your bird will need a cage, with at least two perches, three dishes, food suitable for a canary, cuttlebone and a couple of toys that a canary may enjoy.First we will talk about the cage. A canary loves to hop around quite a bit, so please make sure the cage gives him plenty of room to move. The cage should be long enough that he gets to flap his wings moving from one end to another. Canaries do not climb on the bars, like a budgie does, so the...

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Bringing Your New Bird Home

The day you bring your bird home is the day the world changes for you both. For you, this is the grand moment when all your research and admiration of birds suddenly becomes quite real.For your new bird, this momentous day can be downright scary. The breeder’s home may have been the only world he has ever known. Even if your bird came from a pet shop and is used to a constant parade of strangers, your home is something new, and so are you. If you purchased a budgie or cockatiel, his interactions with humans have been restricted to being netted out of a group of his buddies to be shipped to...

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Bringing Home Your New Chinchilla

It’s a good idea to make certain you are fully prepared before bringing home your new Chinchilla. Make certain the cage is ready, the food has been purchased, water bottles have been washed and are ready, and you’ve picked the prime location for your Chinchilla’s cage. Be certain everyone in your family is prepared for the responsibility, make it a family affair and have everyone participate in the preparations. Once you’re prepared go pick up your Chinchilla.A few questions many new Chinchilla owners ask is “Why does my Chinchilla hate me?”; “When I go near my Chin’s cage it stands up and...

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