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Author: Kevin

Acclimating A New Gecko

Once you bring a new gecko home, there are some things you should be aware of so that you don’t get worried too fast. Here are a few of the questions we are frequently asked:1. When should I hold a new gecko?Try not to hold a new gecko for a week or two. This is really hard to do! But it will allow your new gecko to settle in quicker without causing extra stress. Also when you do hold it, start by holding it in the cage for short periods of time until it gets accustomed to your hand. Then you can begin to take it out of the cage and lengthen the time you hold your gecko.2. What if the gecko...

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Acclimating A New Gerbil

Moving into a new home can be overwhelming for little gerbils. Everything they’re used to will change when they come home with you. They’ll have new people to get used to, a new tank to get used to, and maybe even a new type of food or bedding to adjust to. There are some things that you can do to make the transition a little bit easier for your new rodent friends.Prepare Their HomeThe first and best thing that you can do is to get your gerbils’ tank and supplies ready before you bring your gerbils home. You can learn how to prepare a home for your new pets in the What Should I Do Before I Bring...

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Acclimating A New Goldfish

Goldfish are relatively tough compared to other popular tank fish, but this doesn’t mean you can just toss your new pet into a new environment and expect him to thrive. To give your goldfish the best start in his new home, take the time to let him acclimate by floating the bag in the tank before releasing him.AcclimationThe reason for floating the plastic bag in the tank when bringing home your new goldfish is to let him slowly acclimate to the new tank temperature. Dumping him into water that is cooler or warmer than his current surroundings could cause him to go into shock and is hard on his...

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