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FEELGOOD KC-Defence 20g



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Animal Kingdom Pet store is proud to bring you FEELGOOD HEALTH products for pets. A natural remedy.

Natural homeopathic remedy
Stops coughing, mucous & sneezing
Treats Kennel Cough and other respiratory infections in pets
Helps to protect against infection if your pet is exposed to Kennel Cough
May also be used as a preventative just before a visit to the vet, to kennels or a cattery to protect against infection
Symptoms of Kennel Cough
Kennel cough is a highly contagious upper respiratory tract infection that often affects animals that are kept in a confined space such as boarding kennels, dog shows or veterinary hospitals. It has both a viral and a bacterial component. The bacterial component Bordetella bronchiseptica is often the cause of respiratory infections in cats.

Symptoms include a persistent dry hacking cough or bouts of deep harsh coughing often followed by gagging, which may produce a foamy mucus. Pet owners often describe the cough as sounding as if their dog has something stuck in its throat.

Mild cases may improve without treatment. Conventional treatment of kennel cough often involves antibiotics which tend to relieve the animal’s symptoms fairly quickly, but also have a general weakening effect on their immune system, which can cause further problems, especially in the long-term. Anti-inflammatories may also be prescribed to reduce the irritation in the throat.

Vaccinations to prevent kennel cough are also often recommended. But research indicates that frequent vaccination or over-vaccination may unnecessarily stress a pet’s immune system.

The natural way
The first line of defense is always a strong & healthy immune system. Dogs & cats that follow a healthy diet and who have regular exercise will be less likely to contract any illness, including Kennel Cough.

As part of a holistic approach to treating your pet, natural remedies can help to build and strengthen your pet’s immune system, encourage the elimination of toxins and generally improve the overall health of your animal.

Herbal and homeopathic remedies can be used alone or as part of the total treatment strategy, depending on the recommendations of your holistic vet and it is important to find a treatment that suits your pet’s needs. Natural remedies can also help to relieve specific symptoms such as upper respiratory infections and coughs without the accompanying toxin build-up and side effects caused by antibiotics or conventional treatments.

How can KC-Defence help?
KC-Defence is a 100% homeopathic remedy specially formulated for dogs & cats with selected homeopathic ingredients and biochemic tissue salts for the treatment and prevention of Kennel Cough and other respiratory tract infections in pets.

It may be used preventatively (especially before visits to the vet, kennels, cattery etc) or acutely to treat an active infection.

What are the Ingredients?
KC-Defence contains the following 100% active homeopathic ingredients in pet-safe, therapeutic dosage: Echinacea purp. (D3), Plantago (D3), Bryonia (C6), Ferrum Phos (C6), Kalium Sulp (C6), Magnesium Phos (C6), Tracheobronchitis (C30), Sucrose (inactive ingredient)

Sucrose: inactive ingredient

Safe for use during pregnancy and nursing.

Our products are animal-cruelty free. Individual ingredients are well-researched and are natural, safe and effective.

KC-Defence comes in convenient dissolvable granule form. The tiny granules are easy to administer to animals of all sizes and personalities and are simply sprinkled on the back of the tongue and left to dissolve. Alternatively, they can be mixed with a little wet food or a treat. No fuss and bother!

Cats and very small dogs: Large pinch of granules sprinkled into the mouth.
Small to medium dogs: Two pinches sprinkled into the mouth.
Medium to large dogs: 1/4 cap of granules sprinkled into the mouth.

Acute: Administer every hour for up to 10 doses or until symptoms subside. Thereafter administer three times daily for 14 -21 days.

Preventative: KC-Defence may be given for up to a week at 3 – 6 month intervals for the prevention of Kennel Cough and other respiratory disorders. This is highly recommended before a stay in kennels or a cattery or for 5 – 7 days before a visit to the vet. Respiratory infections are often highly contagious and your pet will be vulnerable whenever there is contact with other animals.


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