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FEELGOOD Aggression Formula 20g



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Animal Kingdom Pet store is proud to bring you FEELGOOD HEALTH products for pets. A natural remedy.

Does your pet display aggressive or antisocial behaviour? Our homeopathic remedy helps calm aggressive cats and dogs.
Reduces biting, scratching and aggression in animals
Calms highly strung and stressed pets or those with a history of abuse
Relaxes and calms your pet when a new baby or animal is introduced to the family
Soothes anxiety, restlessness and agitation
Excellent general tonic for the nervous system
Safe for use during pregnancy and nursing
Scutellaria (D3), Chamomilla (D3), Belladonna (30C), Arsen Alb (30C), Hepar sulph (30C), Sucrose (inactive ingredient).

How to use
Aggression Formula comes in convenient dissolvable granule form. Sprinkle granules directly into the mouth and hold closed briefly.

Initial dose: Every 30 minutes for up to 6 doses. Thereafter 3 times daily.

Cats and small dogs: 1 pinch.
Small to medium dogs: 2 pinches.
Medium to large dogs: 1/4 capful.
Aggression in Pets
A pet that displays signs of aggressive behaviour can be very alarming. Many owners tear their hair out trying to control their errant animals while at the same time trying desperately to find a reason for their behaviour.

Although some breeds are definitely more aggressive than others, experts say there are usually underlying reasons for aggressive behaviour such as fear, maternal instinct, insecurity, stress, problems relating to breeding, jealousy, past abuse, illness and pain.

Management tips for aggressive dogs & cats
An aggressive pet is an unpredictable pet and no two animals will respond the same way to a particular remedy. Any dog that has attacked another dog or shown aggression towards a human is a risk. An overtly aggressive pet should be assessed by a qualified pet behaviourist and appropriate measures taken to control the aggressive behaviour. Aggression Formula is best used in conjunction with advice from an animal behaviourist.

Ensure that your children know how to handle pets. Encourage them to always ask before they pet an unknown dog or cat and to stay well away from any animal showing signs of aggression.

If your pet suddenly becomes aggressive and no reason can be found, please take him/her to your vet for a complete check up to make sure that there is not an underlying health problem (such as pain that is causing him or her discomfort).

Check for any recent changes in your pet’s environment, which may have triggered his aggression, examples include a new baby or a job that keeps you away for longer periods than before.

Regular exercise is a good outlet for pent up emotions and will help to keep your pet healthy and fit. Remember to keep your dog on a lead at all times and consider investing in a muzzle if necessary.


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